Sunday, August 24, 2008


Aug 24, 1976 an angel was born and his name is Alexander O'Loughlin (O'Lachlan) I want to thank his mom for that. Who would of thought that one man could cause this sort of corruption in the hearts and minds of millions of women of all ages. He has got "IT" and "IT" is very very very good!! So let's celebrate his birthday with all the things he loves. I sent him some virtual Cuban cigars. I hope he likes them. I would like to have given him other things but............well you know what that would be. It would be more of a gift for me anyway! LOL!!

Let's just admire the beauty of Alex and wish him the best year ever. I hope to see him very very very soon. Don't you? I've got it bad and that is soooo good!

Wouldn't you just love to be that strawberry right about now??

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